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Prince Sattam Bin Abdul Aziz University ranks 15th among Saudi universities according to the Times's classification of universities

Prince Sattam Bin Abdul Aziz University ranks 15th among Saudi universities according to the Times's classification of universities
The Times' classification of Arab universities was recently published by the Times British Higher Education Foundations. According to the classification, Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University ranked 15th among Saudi universities and 81st among the best Arab universities from 125 Arab universities included in the rankings, which achieved advanced degrees in classification standards. Classification criteria consist of 16 performance indicators divided into five areas: teaching (learning environment); research (size, income and reputation); citations (research impact), society (knowledge transfer and impact) and international outlook (staff, students and scientific research).
The University has also made estimated progress in other global rankings, including the Sciamgo institution ranking, weibo masterranking Webometrics rating and the Greenmetric ranking.
The Department of Classification and Excellence of the University Agency for Development and Quality oversees the provision of reference data for classification headed by H.E. the University's Undersecretary for Development and Quality.
Prince Sattam Bin Abdul Aziz University ranks 15th among Saudi universities according to the Times's classification of universities
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