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PSAU Progress, policy and progress against SDG15

PSAU Progress, policy and progress against SDG15

Saudi Arabia is the Middle East's largest country, with 2149690 square kilometers (830,000 square miles). Saudi Arabia places a premium on keeping life on land because it is desert for the majority of the country. As a result, the College of Science and Humanities has divided biodiversity preservation into different academic areas. The institution also encourages its researchers to study on issues concerning rural life.

Policies of the PSAU

1. Education to support land ecosystems

 2. Maintenance and expansion of current ecosystems and biodiversity of both plants and animals

3. Provide sustainable and environmental management educational courses, lectures, and activities for students and the local community.

4. Active collaboration with governmental agencies and the local community via memorandums of understanding, agreements, and partnerships helps to conserve land life.

5. Adherence to the highest water and waste management requirements.


 Picture 2: Toxic and medical waste are carefully recycled at PSAU according to the Saudi Government policies


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